Many Beliefs, One Faith


Harbor Unitarian Universalist Congregation

Harbor Unitarian Universalist Congregation is located at 1296 Montgomery in Muskegon, Michigan USA.  The Congregation is affiliated with the Unitarian Universalist Association, a faith tradition that encourages each individual to develop a personal faith.  Unitarian Universalism draws from many different religions, in the belief that no one religion has answers for all and that most have something to teach us.  It is a way of being religious rather than embracing a specific religious doctrine.  The picture below is a link to a video that tells more about Unitarian Universalist beliefs.


As a “Harbor,” we are a place of safety, peace and refuge from life’s storms.  Our congregation is a community of openhearted, open-minded, nurturing individuals committed to making the world safe, peaceful, and just.  We encourage each person to seek and find fulfillment wherever you are led in your faith journey.

We are guided by 7 Principles in our faith and in our relationships with one another.  Unitarian Universalists believe in the Golden Rule, loving our neighbors as ourselves, working for a better world, searching for truth with an open mind, using reason to help us explore religious ideas, and granting everyone the right to choose their own beliefs.

HUUC is one of the 66% of UUA Congregations nationally that are certified as “Welcoming Congregations.”  The Welcoming Congregation Program is a volunteer program for Unitarian Universalist congregations that “want to take intentional steps to become more welcoming and inclusive of people with marginalized sexual orientations and gender identities.”

HUUC is governed by a set of Bylaws that provides a framework from which we function as an organization.

We are glad you found us!  To find out more about Harbor Unitarian Universalist Congregation, please continue to explore the links above.


NOTICE OF JOB OPPORTUNITY - Coordinator of Religious Education at HUUC: Click here