Many Beliefs, One Faith



Coming Soon!!! Click the “Opportunities” link above and scroll down to the “City of the Dead” link for more info!!!


Mark Your Calendars!

Consulting Ministry Workshop September 25 • 12p-3p
Join Rev. Matthew Cockrum, Harbor’s new Consulting Minister, in our second workshop as part of a consulting ministry to explore how Harbor Unitarian Universalist Congregation might prepare for a new relationship with a minister. We will continue our exploration of church history and the role of covenant. The workshop will begin following a potluck lunch immediately after the service and will last three hours (noon-ish to 3:00-ish). For questions or to volunteer to help please contact the Board of Trustees at:


Saturday, August 27 Consulting Ministry Worskhop (10 a.m. to 4 p.m.)  – Join Rev. Matthew Cockrum, Harbor’s new Consulting Minister, and the rest of the congregation at a kick-off workshop that will set the tone for the coming year’s work together.  Lunch will be served and we ask that you bring a full heart, an open mind and your authentic memories of (including pictures if you have any!) and dreams for this congregation.  Also, please bring your responses to the following questions: “What do I hope a minister could help Harbor UU Congregation to do…and how?”  Our work this month will focus on covenant, history and overview of the coming year.  

Remote access via Zoom will be available for this workshop at the link below:

Contact your Board (,) or Rev. Matthew ( or 206.849.9171) with questions or if you would like to help set up the event.

Our Annual Water Service…

