Many Beliefs, One Faith

Social Justice


At Harbor UU congregation, we live out our values by supporting social justice in the community and the larger world.  We conduct a periodic congregational survey to determine where to place priority as we seek to educate, advocate and take action to make the world a more just place.  Most recently, the priority areas for our work have been on health and reproductive justice, homelessness/poverty, peace and the environment.  We work together with Michigan Unitarian Universalist Social Justice Network (MUUSJN) to advocate for causes important to these areas.

Harbor UU is a supporter of LGBTQ justice, and made national news when we worked with a local County Clerk to bring the opportunity to marry for a brief 24 hours period for same-sex marriages to be legal in Michigan before the Supreme Court ruling made it legal permanently in Michigan.

Our activities toward social justice include a monthly plate collection designated for outside organizations, participation in Mission for Area People Supper House with volunteers and financial support, and sponsoring a mobile food pantry for area poor.

If you would like more information, contact us at 231.755.2932.


NOTICE OF JOB OPPORTUNITY - Coordinator of Religious Education at HUUC: Click here